This functions creates a Debian package with dpkg or dm.pl for a given project. The table below showcases all parameters required for the function to work

# Arguments

Index Description
1 Folder name where a control file might reside in for the project
2 Version variable that is in the control file that will be replaced

The function looks for package files in build_dist, and puts them accordingly, while also changing the package's control file, where specific variables are replaced, such as the maintainer of the package, and the version number

# Example

YOUTUBE_DL_VERSION := 2021.06.06

$(call PACK,youtube-dl,DEB_YOUTUBE_DL_V)

The example above packs files relating to youtube-dl (which would be in build_dist/youtube-dl), and replaces DEB_YOUTUBE_DL_V in the control file with the version number assigned to that variable.

Last Updated: 2/13/2023, 5:03:54 PM